N-PLURAL 乘船逃到他国的难民;船民 Boat people are people who escape from their country in small boats to travel to another country in the hope that they will be able to live there..
Such is EU angst over the Mediterranean migrant crisis where as many as 1,200 people have drowned crossing to Europe in recent weeks that Gaddafi is held up as the one man able to keep boat people away from European shores. 欧盟对地中海移民危机的焦虑(最近几周,多达1200名偷渡欧洲的移民在地中海溺亡)如此严重,以至于有人把卡扎菲抬出来,称他本来是唯一能够让船民远离欧洲海岸的人。
The doctor: But how could a man with a fractured bone and a splint on his leg go about the boat murdering people. 医生:但一个腿部骨折,上了夹板的人怎么可能在船上四处杀人呢?
I like the color of sea, and blue sky, white boat and friendly people. 我喜欢海的颜色,蓝色的天空和白色的游船,和友善的丹麦人。
This development coincided, however, not just with an influx of "boat people" from Vietnam but with the arrival of refugees from Cambodia, Laos and Thailand. 而这个开发项目不仅适逢越南“船民”的涌入,还伴随着柬埔寨、老挝和泰国难民的到来。
Small room on a ship or boat where people sleep. 船只上供人们睡觉的小屋子。
United Nations Conference on Vietnamese Boat People 联合国越南船民会议
On Dragon Boat Festival, people put inserted moxa and calamus as one of important content. 在端午节,人们把插艾和菖蒲作为重要内容之一。
A boat that transports people or vehicles across a body of water and operates on a regular schedule. 从水路运送乘客或工具以及有固定工作日程的小船。
They advised, of course, that too many people were steering the boat, while not enough people were rowing. 自然,咨询公司也认为掌舵人太多、而划船人数不够才导致了这样的结局。
The terminal, CLP also argues, will be built on already scarred land: the abandoned concrete platform where the detention centre that housed thousands of Vietnamese boat people once stood. 中华电力还强调,这个接收站将建在已经受到破坏的土地上:那里有一个废弃的混凝土平台,曾经是数千名越南偷渡者的拘留中心。
Since new China was founded in1949, the marriages of boat people's three generations show many common natures of homogeneous marriage, which verifies Blau's homogeneous principle of communication. 从1949年新中国成立至今,三代船民的婚姻都呈现出同质婚姻的很多共性,这也验证了布劳的同质交往原则的适用。
Kai Tak Vietnamese Boat People Departure Centre 启德越南船民离港中心
Whereas his job was to help the authorities, at heart he sympathized with the boat people. 在职务上帮助官府,在感情上却亲近了船家。
Most of the boat people were Rohingyas, members of a Muslim minority, many of whom had already fled Myanmar once, for Bangladesh. 船民中大多数都是洛兴亚人&穆斯林的一支少数部族。他们其中很多人曾经逃离缅甸,前往孟加拉。
A strong boat designed to rescue people from a sinking ship. 设计用来抢救落水人们的坚固的船。
If anybody goes out now and buys a whole boat, people are going to look at them and say: Why? 如果任何人现在跑到外面,买下一整条船,人们会对他们另眼相看,并说:为什么?
Riding a white boat race organized spontaneously by the people, there is no fixed organization and lead people. 踏白船比赛由群众自发举办,没有固定的组织机构和牵头人。
Her daughter and her daughter's husband had a fishing boat in which they let people from cities come and catch fish, which the daughter then cooked for the guests. 她的女儿和女婿有一条船,他们把这条船租给城里来的人,让他们去捕鱼,女主人再把鱼做给这些城里来的客人们吃。
We were like the boat people on top of a cargo ship. 当时,我们就象船夫一样呆在一艘货船的顶部。
Because of these social connections, he always sided with the boat people. 由于这些社会习惯的联系,他的行为处事是靠在水上人一边的。
"Standing in the Renfrew Bridge" on the side of the bridge to see the scenery, which is a painting with water and boat people's nature, mountains and scenery pictures! 站在“联福桥”上,看桥一边的风景,这是一幅画,有水有船有山有人家的大自然风景图画!
You can buy a bigger boat, and hire some people to work for you! 你可以买更大的船,然后雇人为你工作!
Tamil Boat People Seek Asylum in CanadaThe Tamil boat people's odyssey across the Pacific Ocean aboard the cramped cargo ship reportedly began in April. 据报道,搭载着一条狭窄的货船横跨太平洋的塔米尔难民从四月份就开始率旅程。
Before and after Dragon Boat Festival, people should take the fragrant bag for the children besides eating to the brown son, inserting the tarragon. 端午节前后,人们除了吃棕子、插艾叶以外,还要给孩子们带上香囊。
On the Origin of Vietnamese Refugees and Boat People in Hong Kong 论香港越南难民和船民问题的缘起
The push-pull theory may explain the origin of thousands of Vietnamese refugees and the boat people haunting Hong Kong for so long a time. 越南难民和船民问题长期困扰香港之原因,可运用推拉理论做一解释。
Vietnamese Refugees and Boat People in Hong Kong 香港的越南难民和船民问题
In Stephen Crane's The Open Boat, the four people understand each other, help each other and struggle with the merciless nature stubbornly. 斯蒂芬·克莱恩的《海上扁舟》表现四个人在危难时相互理解,相互帮助,不屈不挠与冷酷的大自然搏斗。
Dragon boat sport attracted more people 'sattention and participation for its sportsmanship. 龙舟运动所弘扬的体育精神也吸引了更多人们的关注和参与。